Mom, creative entrepreneur, and DJ Pamela Tick believes in taking her daughter, Miller Delilah, along for the ride. To celebrate Mother’s Day, The 10,000 spoke with Tick about what it means to be a mother to her daughter, how she balances work-life and mom-life, and the role music plays in her family. Read on to learn more about how she got started as a DJ, how her style and music taste has evolved, and the advice she shares with new moms trying to balance it all.
Tell us about how you got started as a DJ.
After I graduated and moved back to NYC, two worlds collided: fashion and music. I always worked in the fashion industry as a teenager and then stepped into the world of it all again when I was casted to be in my first campaign for Banana Republic. After that, I just started organically tagging brands in my outfits on social media platforms to see if it would inspire people.
As for music- I grew up studying artists, researching new songs and burning CD’s like it was my job. When I learned how to DJ, it felt like I had found my instrument. And then I made it my job.
Being able to DJ for brands has allowed me to turn my performances into a fashion show and also a live music set. The interconnection between music and fashion has brought me into many rooms. I am grateful to set the energy in each and every one.
How has your fashion and music style evolved over the years?
It’s kind of like an expanding palette for both. My style has matured for music and has elevated itself for fashion. At the same time, it has always stayed true to the same clean taste I have. With music, you start recognizing and appreciating different instruments, beats, lyrics at different times. I think what we connect to (whether it’s songs or just clothing) is ever changing based on factors like our environment and experiences.
We’ve seen baby Miller make an appearance at a few of your DJ sets! How do you balance DJing and Mom life?
Just like anything, you don’t really know til you try… I always had my headset on, continuing to have a career while being a mother. I knew the example I wanted to set for my little girl; that if mom takes care of herself - she’ll be the best version of herself for Miller. I love what I do and music is good for my soul. I like bringing Miller into my world rather than changing my world for her. It has done wonders for her.
What do you enjoy most about motherhood so far?
Teaching my girl, but more importantly, learning from her. Also the beauty of creating family, generations, and the power of love.
What role does music play in your family life?
Music plays a huge role in our family life. My parents always told me I was an old soul based on many things- but my music especially. Loved Elvis. Loved Motown. Loved Bob Dylan. My music library is always expanding and I am always staying inspired. Whether it’s waking up or going to sleep, car rides, or days where you just crave the record player, music is never not playing in the house. I DJ’ed and played music during my entire pregnancy. Miller would dance in my belly and loved it. She still does love it!
What advice would you give to new mothers trying to balance it all?
My advice for new mothers trying to balance everything is to take the pressure off and never feel like you’re not doing enough - being a mom is more than enough. And as I said earlier you don’t know until you try- so while (my husband) Ryan and I probably thought we’d stay put in one place for the first three months of Miller- we love traveling and brought our girl along to expand her horizons a bit!
All images courtesy of Pamela Tick.