In an effort to delve deeper into the benefits of relaxation and wellness, we spoke with skincare expert Tata Harper, founder of Tata Harper Skincare, during her recent stay at Blackberry Farm in Tennessee. Ever keen to create moments filled with little luxuries, read on to learn more about curating the perfect at-home self care experience, plus be sure to enter our giveaway for a chance to win a prize package from Tata Harper, Blackberry Farm and Master & Dynamic.
You are an advocate for skin care and wellness. How does sound and/or music factor into your day-to-day life? And as it relates to the wellness experience at Blackberry Farm (sound baths, audio treatments)?
I’ve loved music all of my life and I am someone who loves all types of music… from Salsa to Pop and everything in between. It’s a form of self soothing to me, how different types of music can transport you to a certain time of your life. Just like scent, music does this for me. During quarantine, I started taking a dancing class as a way to exercise and center my mind. If you come to my house, we always have music playing -- I’m always making new playlists and discovering new sounds. It’s everything to me.
The music at Blackberry Farm is also very much self soothing to me. From the music they play in the restaurant, to what they play in the Wellhouse during our Tata Harper Sensorial Treatments, it’s meant to make you live in the present moment -- the best thing music can do. It’s dessert for the soul.
Tell us about creating a relaxing at-home experience, using the items in our giveaway bundle.
There’s nothing better than creating an at-home spa experience for yourself. Whether it’s for an hour or a few minutes, making a relaxing experience to look forward to can make a huge difference in your day-to-day life. What better way to elevate your Skincare Ritual than with music?
You’ve curated a playlist for us. Tell us about the inspiration behind this playlist, and what songs you’ll specifically be playing on repeat.
I’ve had so many amazing times at Blackberry Farm. This playlist is a reminder of all the special moments I’ve had in Tennessee with my friends, family, and team.
Tell us more about the Tata Harper Skincare experience at Blackberry Farm. What kinds of services can guests look forward to?
I really wanted to create an experience that aligned with what I felt like whenever I visited Blackberry. There, I always feel so grounded with nature — through body, mind, spirit, everything. So when I created the Sensorial Reset Treatments available at the Wellhouse Spa, I made sure that with every visit, every sense would feel awakened and put at ease so you could really feel present through that feeling of connection with yourself and nature.
You’ve described Blackberry Farm, a tranquil escape in the Great Smoky Mountains, as your “home away from home.” Outside of the Tata Harper Skincare experience, what is your favorite activity to relax and unwind while there?
My favorite spot on property is The River. It’s a bit off the beaten path, but it’s great for sneaking away for a few moments of meditation. During my most recent stay, the team and I went to cool off and listen to music for a quick break during a busy day.